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Enquiries: info@globaltolocal.com


Here are some of the practical approaches and tools we use:

Facilitation, Stakeholder Engagement and Dialogue (Accredited by the Environment Council)

Partnership Brokering (PBAS) (Accredited by the International Business Leaders Forum/Odi)

Local Improvement Advisor (LIA) support and guidance (Approved IDeA/Regional Improvement & Efficiency Partnerships)

Promoting Business Excellence (ProBE) for ‘Sustainable Business’ (Accredited by Comparison International and developed by The Natural Step)

Some examples of what we’ve produced:

Fitter for the Future

Seeing the bigger Picture



Vision -  underpinned by shared values and principles -understanding different perspectives, inspiring and empowering people; mentoring and support for the localism and ‘Big Society’ agenda; stakeholder engagement for innovation and co-production.

Seeing the bigger picture - combining new and different ways of working, across organisations, teams, sectors and partnerships.

Making the most of resources - for ‘value for money’ ‘whole life costing,’ accounting for natural and social capital, and nurturing what communities and social enterprise can contribute; radical efficiency.

Future proofing and place shaping with demand management, collaboration and smarter outcomes-based commissioning.

We offer support and guidance for internal working groups, cross sector working such as Local Strategic Partnerships, or for peer networks focused on particular themes, at the local, regional, national or international (EU).

Our trained and highly experienced people operate with integrity, using approved PBAS and Environment Council accredited methods and techniques and abide by key protocols and ground rules.

We help clients be clear about what they need and want to achieve. We offer process design, and appropriate workshop planning, help with co-ordination, and stakeholder facilitation, and session recording and write-ups.

What  people have said

I attend quite a few 'events' of all sorts and in my experience, it's very rare to get a facilitator who actually does 'facilitate' in the true sense of the word.  

Through Fay’s skillful and rapid consolidation of comments and feedback,  we all were able to come together in a really productive thinking environment.

Her ability to find and illuminate common themes, threads and pathways through a mass of complex info is much appreciated!"

OCTOBER 2009,  London Sustainable Commission, Quality of Life report Stakeholder Event

Sherry Clark, Well London DIY Happiness, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Strategy & Business Development Directorate






Example projects:

Cultiv8 project’  - partnership development and evaluation for a NCSL sponsored project involving schools involved in extended service with their Children’s Centre led by Bowbridge Community School.

LSPs in the East Midlands - mainstreaming sustainable communities and how to future proof Local Area Agreements and Sustainable Community Strategies, Regeneration East Midlands for the Government Office


  • Away-day for the London Sustainable Development Commission;
  • Stakeholder Engagement on London’s Quality of Life Indicators Report, for London, London SDC 
  • Birmingham City Council
  • Wrap facilitation of some of the national forums